Sunday, 15 May 2016

Another stone in the wall

Last weekend Guy and I went on a dry stone walling course - it was at Kate Humble's educational farm, and we were thoroughly spoilt with lovely food and lots of cups of tea. And then we rebuilt their wall...

First you strip it out and lay the foundations:

Then you start building - there's a former for the shape, and string lines to keep the stones level:

And finally the top bit. Then it's time to stand back and admire:

Please do feel free to make admiring noises at this stage. We did!

We've since got back home and looked at our fallen down walls - there are a LOT of them. Still, at least we know what to do with them now...

We're still waiting for our bat survey too, sadly Bat Man got ill, so they didn't come.  Maybe this week.

And Guy was filmed for the telly - we had something we thought would be interesting, we had been in touch, we were invited to turn up as VIPs on the day, and so we did! We were given tea and biscuits, Guy had to go to 'Makeup' and he was filmed with the lovely Clive Farahar.

We had had a valuation by email before so we knew what it was roughly worth. I was standing a little distance away and couldn't really hear but I thought Guy's reaction (given that he already sort of knew) was totally over the top - terrible overacting.  It seems I misheard...

You'll have to watch in September!  It will be one of the two Tewkesbury Abbey programmes.

This week is all set to be exciting - the tractor arrives on Wednesday.

Yes, that does say tractor.

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