Sunday, 23 April 2017

Dust and muck

This week we have mostly been mucky. Actually, most of the last however many weeks it is we have mostly been mucky. We are regularly the filthiest people in Monmouth, although this doesn't seem to stop the shops wanting to relieve us of our money...

The sitting room is currently looking like this:

Insulation is going in the walls, the electrics are in for the TV (yes, halfway up the wall), sockets, CAT6 (a good idea for the future, but we still don't really understand it) and a socket in the middle of the floor. That's because there will be a sofa there so that we can stretch our legs out in front of the fire, and a coffee table behind it (because we bought it and there's nowhere else it can go) which will have a lamp on it. So, socket in the middle of the floor.

As if the concrete dust and general filth wasn't enough, we're still filling our new log store. We needed to do chainsawing, the metal saw horse is currently propping up a giant axe in the shed and so we made a new one. Yes, MADE a new one. Commissions will be undertaken...

And then sawed one petrol tank's worth of logs.

Guy and I may be mucky, but somebody else is truly embracing the 'builder's dog' role...

She may need a bath sometime soon...

In some places the house looks very tidy - upstairs has been plaster boarded!

And the back roof is coming along a treat - look, there's a WINDOW!!

(Don't worry about the colour line on the tiles - the lighter ones are simply covered in, er, dust, and when they get rained on they'll all be the same colour. Oh yes they will).

This means that the teensy weensy en-suite, which was previously a dark pokey hole, is now a much lighter pokey hole.

And we've got all the scaffolding back - it's round the music room...

And across the extension at the other end...

And we've been boarded in the bathroom.

Does this look like it's missing something to you? I think it needs an Egyptian mummy in it...

We've been busy outside too - we have a nursery bed of heathers (we've got heathers, we can't plant them because we've got no flower beds yet, so we've bunged them in the raised veg beds - that's a nursery bed, right?)

The odd pansy is a bit, well, odd. We found it one day on a pile of the bricks outside where the builders are storing all their stuff. No idea where it came from. It's now been there three weeks so we reckon it's ours...

I've planted bulbs on the basis that the rabbits can't see them so won't eat them. Dahlias, peonies, astrantia, freesias and anemones. They'll be very pretty if they flower.

We also had 'flower plugs' by post (ordered online) which were really small. They've been potted up in peat pots - all 42 of them. 18 Lavender plants and 24 Sweet William.  Rabbits don't like lavender. I bet they like Sweet Williams though... we're still waiting to get the veg beds fenced, but it's OK, Adam is coming to do it two weeks ago...

And that's about it for this week.

No 'Purchases of the Week' this week because well, frankly, it's been a bit hectic and I can't remember if we've bought anything or not. Although I am in negotiation about some frighteningly expensive floor sockets...

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