Sunday, 7 May 2017

More STUFF happens...

Did I mention that we're now getting to the really exciting bits? It's been another bonkers week:

We have pipes for water and oil:

We have major plaster boarding nearly everywhere:

We have windows at the back of the house

And almost a roof (together with a window) on the music room:

First fix electrics is now finished. It's a small cottage, with just lighting and switches, the usual washing machine, fridge and freezer, and various (unwanted) extractor fans to comply with building regs. We've see the miles of multicoloured cabling for lighting and sound systems on Grand Designs, and ours resembles a small version of it - we're just glad it's not us doing it all!

We've been busy building another wood shed. Well, more of a store - this time we simply piled up all the long lengths of wood then built a cover over it. Seems to work...

The front of the house is yet to be painted, apart from a bit of it where John the Paint was obviously using up what he had left over...

By this time next week all that insulation will have gone. At least, we think it will be gone by this time next week but we became a bit hazy on the plan for the coming week because so much is happening. We remember that tomorrow the music room scaffolding comes down, the front porch gets felted and battened, the side wall begins to be built and the plaster boarding is finished.

On Tuesday we have been promised that we will get plastered. Yay!

Purchases of the week:

A bath. With taps (good) and a basin and loo. That's the bathroom sorted then.
Vegetable plants for the raised veg beds. In the veg garden which has now been fenced by Adam the world's most unreliable fencer. Oh no it hasn't. Yes, quite remarkably, he failed to turn up for the FIFTH weekend in a row, despite saying on the phone at 8.30 yesterday morning that he would be with us by 12. He has now been sacked, or he would have been if he would answer his bloody phone. 
Paint. We've been playing with the 'paint matcher' machine at Robert Price and we now have an internal match for Feldspar White, together with a pleasant shade of raspberry for the bathrooms (trust us, it will be lovely). We have warned Robert Price that we need a LOT of paint. They seemed quite pleased and we got a discount. Hooray!

Pressies of the week (well, it is almost my birthday)

Gin and the Ladybird Book of The Shed (hilarious) from my lovely brother and his gorgeous wife.

I can't have my present from Guy until we actually move in, but I do know about it. Half of it is called Ruby and the smaller half doesn't yet have a name...

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