Sunday, 10 September 2017

We decide to veg out...

Now that the build has finished and the party has happened we seem to have lost a little impetus...

We still have a long list of things to do:

Get floorboards
Put in plinths and skirting boards
Choose rugs to go on floorboards
Fit upstand in utility room
Make curtains
Make window seat covers
Put up iron banisters (currently being adjusted to fit by the blacksmith)
Paint one last coat of oil on the oak at the back of the house
Fit chimney top bit
Mow grass, mow paddock, mow other paddock, mow odd little paddock

So what did we do off our list this week? Precisely nothing...

It's been lovely.

We have (oh, OK then, Guy has), however, harvested a LOT of vegetables:


Some sort of gourd...



Apparently this one's a pumpkin. Looks like another gourd to me...



And different coloured courgettes making a bid for freedom outside the raised bed...

And what did we do today? Precisely nothing. We lit the fire, watched the rain go horizontally past the windows and took pretty pictures:

That's Fidget, who met the fire for the first time today. She rather liked it...

We watched the Tour of Britain, excitedly pointing out scenery that we recognised as the poor cyclists pedalled through the wind and rain from Worcester to Cardiff, and we ate the strawberries.

BIG thanks to Emma (her wot reads the blog) for a really lovely present... It had to be slightly adjusted to cope with the death of poor Ruby, and then we didn't have the heart to tell her that this week we also lost Izzy, our eldest, at the grand old age of 19. It's nice to have a reminder of her though, she was here when the house was finished!

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