Sunday, 8 October 2017

We saw things...

That's 'we saw things' as in using a saw, not things wot we have seen.

We've been clearing out the barn which, when the builders left, was full of wood, ply, metal sheets, oak skirting, painted plinths, cement, paint, more paint, internal oil, external oil, guttering, pipes, drain bits... you name it, it was in there.

We had intended to tidy up and seal the floor but well, you know how it is, we kept putting it off...

The weather was good, so we started. Everything tidied out, what was left moved to one end, sealed two-thirds of the floor, wait 24 hours, moved everything to the sealed end, sealed the remaining third. Sorted!

We've even got the tractor back in:

The thing under a cardboard cover at the front is the world's heaviest coffee table. No, you can't see it yet, we have to wait for the house floor to be finished before we can move it. Although we're not altogether sure how we're going to move it...

Once we'd sorted the floor and tidied up, we got going with the saw...

We have old roof tile pallets:

Which, if you chop them up and re-work them, become a store for kindling. 

We have a lot of kindling...

I've also taken over the music room which will, henceforth, be known as the Sewing Room. Hooray! It means I don't have to put away the sewing machine while I'm tackling the curtains.

I think it makes rather a good sewing room.

Yes, those pictures ARE wonky. The kittens like having fights on the back of the sofa bed and the pictures take a bit of a battering. Still, on the bright side, none of them has fallen off the wall yet. The pictures, not the kittens...

Curtains. There has been progress, although it's been slow... There are now 3 Roman blinds upstairs:

I've not made them before so I'm quite chuffed. They fit and they go up and down. That's about all you need really, isn't it?

I have, of course, had help...

The plan for this week is 'more curtains, more curtains and more curtains'. With maybe a cushion or two thrown in for good measure...

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