Sunday 18 December 2016

Lots of big holes

It's been a week of holes - dug out, filled, cemented, more holes dug and still more holes.

There are now vast holes under the old kitchen for the underpinning...

The bottom of the door is where the floor should be... and will be again, hopefully. Please note the lovely green paint on the wall - we're not quite sure this colour should ever have been made. It is VERY green.

Then there are holes in the base for the new barn/shed: 8 holes in all:

These have now been partly filled in with concrete which seems a shame when they were such lovely deep holes, but apparently it's something to do with the barn not falling over...

The new door way has been beautifully finished with stone and an oak lintel - the plastering will eventually go to the stones and it will look just beautiful from the Music Room (Piggery) side...

And from the kitchen!

The back door is looking nearly as festive as the outside loo - it has red and white Christmas tape all over it.  We're told it's safety tape - but it's Christmassy too.

And an exciting find - in the old kitchen, which will be the bathroom, the builders uncovered what looks like a chimney - it may even be the back part of a chimney for a bread oven, according to one of the local elder statesmen...

The idea had been to make a nice smooth wall, but this is so beautiful that we're going to keep it as a feature - there will be a basin in it. Eventually...

And finally, after the JCB left the sitting room we've been able to put some furniture back in. Look - there are chairs and a table. 

That counts as furniture, right? Crikey, it's practically ready for a Christmas dinner!

Ignore the cement mixer...

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