Sunday 2 April 2017

About to be epic...

It might be a slightly short blog this week because next week will be EPIC!! Just to get you excited, this is what is happening tomorrow:
  • Sitting room extension goes up
  • Music room extension goes up
  • Porch gets added
  • Front windows get put in
  • First fix electrics upstairs
  • First fix plumbing everywhere
Exciting or what? We are like very excited people just before a very exciting event.

Anyway, back to this week:

We have a roof at the front, and the scaffolding has GONE:

Well, yes, there's still a bit at the back, but it's mostly gone. It will return when the extensions have gone up.

While the scaffolding was still up, Mike the Tile cracked on with the tiling. He's finished all of the front, and half the back:

When he'd got this far on the back there was a long discussion about the way forward. What we really need is for the music room (to the left on this photo) to be completed before the back roof gets finished - it seems the two separate roofs are closer together than we had thought. So, sensible option, Mike the Tile goes off to do other work, and the back waits for the music room roof to be finished. I would have played a bigger part in the discussions but once it got technical about 'lead valleys', frankly they lost me...

On Monday we visited Joe the Joiner to see our windows. They look like windows - hooray!

And at the weekend he sends us a further photo - with paint, fittings and glass. They're GORGEOUS!

In the house itself, we have floorboards throughout upstairs and we also have tin foil. 

BOB says we'll be able to grow marvellous marijuana. Apparently it's lovely in chocolate brownies - what's not to like?

Outside the landscaping is coming along nicely. So nicely, in fact, that Guy and I have spent the weekend raking the paddock. Yes, raking the paddock. You're right, it's enormous - it really was knackering. Adam the Fence has been to talk rabbit proofing the veggie patch, and he's coming to put the fence up next weekend.

And we have a front door. Not quite as we thought it would be but, hey, it's a front door.

Purchases of the week:

3 more lights for upstairs. Well, we are heading for FIRST FIX!!
6 more slabs for the patio steps.  Look - they're gorgeous!

Lousy Customer Service of the Week:

Plumbs upholstery - now they say we never sent the back cushions to them. Oh Yes We Did. They seem to think they're doing us a favour by doing anything to put it right. The cushions they sent last week aren't right, and aren't particularly comfortable, and they don't care. But it's ok, we haven't paid them yet...

And a last thought - somebody asked me this week if I'd been doing some painting at the cottage as I looked like I had emulsion in my hair. No, love, that's just me going grey...

I've absolutely no idea why, but Prosecco is helping...

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